Carbon footprint
Ricci Curbastro has addressed, in a concrete manner, one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time: climate change.
In fact, greenhouse gas emissions are mainly responsible for global warming. The Carbon Footprint, that is, the total emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHG Greenhouse gas) associated with a product, process, or service along its entire life-cycle, is the method of calculation of greenhouse gas emissions.
We’ve calculated our Carbon Footprint, not for the legal obligations involved, but as a voluntary tool, in order to make our commitment to the environment even more evident and improve our actions towards reducing these emissions.
It is for this reason that we have taken actions towards containing our CO2 emissions, with the monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gases during the wine production phase (from the vineyard to the cellar), and organization in general, to ensure activities that are ever more natural and sustainable.
We reduced our energy demand by investing in renewable energy, such as solar panels that produce all the electricity we use, and in agricultural and manufacturing techniques that reduce our emissions into the environment.
In particular, for calculating greenhouse gas emissions in the Ricci Curbastro company, was use the “ ®” calculator, internationally recognized by the FIVS and WFA.
This has been applied to all of Ricci Curbastro’s activities, monitored since 2010, to evaluate the emissions associated with the production chain, for example, the daily transportation of employees from their homes to the company, energy emissions (fossil fuels, such as diesel and electricity consumed), non-energy emissions (CO2 used in production processes, nitrous oxide, N2O (released with inorganic fertilizers), halocarbons, such as cooling gas used in the wine cellar cooling units), the purchase of all materials, such as poles and wires for the vineyard, pneumatic oil, lubricants for tractors, pesticides, renewal of barrels, wine products, hygiene products, office supplies, advertising material, water, and so on, as well as packaging materials, such as bottles, corks, capsules, labels, cardboard, plastic film, and pallets and, finally, travel by car or plane to the promotional activities of the company.
Our calculations have been verified through ISO 14064 standards, which have the primary purpose of lending credibility and assurance (trust) to the reporting and monitoring processes for the GHGs. On February 1st, 2013 we were certified in compliance with the ISO 14064-1:2006 standard.
What were the results:
The average net emission per bottle sold in 2010 was equal to -1.907 kg CO2 equivalent.
The average net emission per bottle sold in 2011 was equal to -2.599 kg CO2 equivalent.
In 2011, we basically seized CO2 for an equivalent of more than 5,000 trees, or about 18 acres of woodland.
We can say with pleasure that drinking a bottle of Franciacorta Ricci Curbastro
is also good for the environment, and would like to invite you to share with us ever increasing responsible actions, for example by recycling the glass of every bottle of wine after you have enjoyed drinking it.